Catholic Pilgrimages to Portugal

Experience the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

A Catholic pilgrimage to Portugal is one of the most memorable trips you will ever take. The highlight of most trips includes a pilgrimage to Fatima to visit the Basilica and Shrine of our Lady of Fatima, where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three children six times. Other popular sites include St. Anthony’s Church in Lisbon and the Church of the Famous Eucharistic Miracle at Santarem. Many tours will also include some time to take in Lisbon, the oldest city in Western Europe and to view the beautiful scenery surrounding the quaint village of Aldb de Tormes where Saint Teresa died more than four centuries ago.

Portugal is also a primary stop on our extremely popular Marian Shrines pilgrimages that include visits to famous shrines in Lourdes, France and Zaragoza, Spain as well as many other spiritual and secular sites.

If you are interested in joining one of these trips, please click on the desired link so that you can view its details. Listed on each page is a complete itinerary for the trip as well as a downloadable brochure with this itinerary, a reservation form and other important information.

For information on organizing your own group pilgrimage to Portugal, please visit our Hosting a Pilgrimage page.

*These Trips having Special Package.
October 2025
An 11 day Marian Shrines pilgrimage visiting Lisbon, Santarem, Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Santander, Lourdes, Zaragoza, Montserrat and Barcelona
International departure taxes of $129 plus current fuel surcharges of $360 are included (subject to change).

April 2026
An 11 day Marian Shrines pilgrimage visiting Lisbon, Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Santander, Lourdes, Zaragoza, Montserrat and Barcelona
$50 Early Booking Discount if Reserved by April 25, 2025 International departure taxes of $110 plus current fuel surcharges of $450 are included (subject to change).